About Bridgestone

About Bridgestone
About Bridgestone
About Bridgestone
About Bridgestone

The Bridgestone Group is the world’s largest manufacturer of tires and other rubber products such as industrial materials and sporting goods.

The Bridgestone Group delivers a wide range of tires to customers around the world, such as tires for passenger cars, trucks and buses, aircraft, construction and mining vehicles, motorcycles, etc..

The Bridgestone Group makes and sells a range of rubber products and other diversified products. Many of these products and technologies are used in a variety of everyday applications.

The Bridgestone Group is eternally committed to serving society with superior quality.

The group will fulfill its responsibilities decisively. As you reach for the future, the Group will remain by your side.

Our New Brand Message

Solutions for your journey


We aspire to offer the best to our customers and to the society, not only in terms of our products, services and technology, but in all of our corporate activities.

Our commitment to quality is not driven by the will to profit, but it derives from our passion for improving the safety and quality of life for people everywhere.

Through our Mission, we strive to be a company trusted by the world - a company in which all of us can take great pride.


1931 Bridgestone Tire Co., Ltd was established in the city of Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan.

1934 Full-fledged tire production begins at newly-constructed Kurume Plant.

History - 1934

1937 Head office relocated from Kurume to Tokyo.

1953 Sales surpass 10 billion yen, as Bridgestone assumes position of industry leader in Japan.

1983 Bridgestone acquires Firestone's Nashville Plant as its first US production plant.

1984 Bridgestone implemented a corporate identity to strengthen both domestic and oversea strategies, and to improve its company quality.

1990 Bridgestone/Firestone Europe S.A. was established to supervise and administer all Bridgestone/Firestone subsidiaries in the European region.

History - 1990

1997 Bridgestone participates in its first Formula 1® race.

1998 SThe 25th anniversary ceremony was held in Kurume and the Ishibashi Cultural Center, a comprehensive park, was donated to the city.

2014 Bridgestone becomes Worldwide Olympic Partner.